Knowledge Alone Liberates

As per the compliance and taxation system in India, there are various direct and indirect taxes applicable. Direct taxes are those which the tax payer pays directly to the department like Income tax, wealth tax, etc. Indirect taxes are also borne by individuals, but the method of collection is indirect for example Good and Services Tax (GST), Service Tax, Sales Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty, etc.

Taxes exist and are encountered in the varied business processes and transactions like sales, purchase, procuring services, etc. These routine functions of teams warrant the basic knowledge of applicable taxes. Hence it is important to stay updated with the changes in the regulations as well.

For example, with the introduction of Good and Services Tax (GST) in India, the entire system of taxes for purchase and sales transactions has changed. Similarly, being well informed about taxes helps companies reap the benefits of tax rules and enables proper planning. Today, sales teams pitching to customers also need to have the right knowledge about taxes to inform and convince customers by explaining effective product costing due to tax impact.

The Programme on Taxation Aims To Provide

  • Understanding the different types of taxes existing in India
  • Learning the broader terms, mechanism, and logic of tax collection
  • Understand the taxes applicable to the company's product/ service
  • Impact of taxes like customs and import duty, excise, and GST on company's product
  • Basics of tax rates, compliance due dates and requirements

Training programs and modules by V. Purohit & Associates are created to empower your teams and to make them more focused, to-the-point, and comprehensive. Such interventions can help them become more competitive and confident while discharging their duties.

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